Several times a year, our families meet for Eucharistic adoration to pray and worship together. Following adoration, all are welcome to stay for fellowship where kids can play and families can grow in community.
Engaged couples, married couples, families with children of all ages, and all in our parish family are most welcome. We want to especially welcome those with babies, younger children and those with special needs who are still learning about Mass and adoration etiquette. Children learn how to reverence our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament by experiencing it regularly but it is often difficult when younger children or those with special needs become restless or noisy. This holy hour is for families of all ages and a space where children can learn this reverence with grace and patience in an understanding environment. We have coloring sheets and crayons provided for those that need it and we encourage you to join us even if your chidren are not accustomed to the silence of adoration yet.
Holy hours begin at 6:30pm in the church and fellowship follows at 7:30pm near the Regina Caeli Shrine unless otherwise noted below or in the bulletin.
January 18th - indoor fellowship near the kitchen due to cold
March 22nd - fellowship by Regina Caeli Shrine
May 17th - fellowship by Regina Caeli Shrine